Contact us

Hotel Miralago & Restaurant Donna Vittoria

Via dei Cappuccini, 12
Albano Laziale ( Roma )

GPS coordinates: 41.731913 – 12.674218

Telephones: 06 9321018 • 06 9322253
Fax: 06 9320469


Airports distance:
Ciampino km 10,00 • Fiumicino km 35,00

2 Parking: onsite car, external bus

Request information

The required data is used in accordance with the Dlgs n. 196 of 30 June 2003. The user authorizes Hotel Miralago Srl to process the data in the form for sending information and / or communications regarding the requested services. Data will NOT be transferred to other companies. For cancellation or rectification, send e-mail to:

Company Data (In accordance with Article 42 of Law No. 88/2009)
Tax Code and Rome Register of Companies 07150280589 |  R.E.A. RM 559314 | VAT 01699091003 | Social Capital € 70.000 fully paid | The company is not in liquidation | The company is unipersonally

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